Britney Hunt
:: IvY :: 5:44 PM
Bandslam & Orphan
Yummy Rundle Spices event dinner this Sunday and Caroline here I comes next Wednesday.
For now, Goodnight!!
:: IvY :: 3:08 AM
Happy 1st Birthday Baby
Yesterday, baby celebrated her birthday with family from father side. Ile and Irene got her a cake while I got her a Mickey Mouse plushie. Celebration was by having dinner together and later on cake cutting at home.
As for today, baby will be celebrating with family from mother side. They got her a Mickey Mouse jelly cake for baby's birthday.Mickey Mouse Jelly Cake with Cupcakes around
Baby must be very happy on her birthday celebrating with family and also her favourite Mickey.
Love You Baby. Hugs and Kisses. Muax
:: IvY :: 3:31 PM
Nokia E75
After thinking and decided long, finally on Monday (10 August), I walk down to Rundle Mall after my class, straight to Three Mobile, then enter into 24months contract with getting Nokia E75. Its really a cool phone and I did not regret getting. Am happy with the phone :D
:: IvY :: 2:26 AM
Fun Times
For these past few weeks, I really had good and fun times with Wani's family. Even though this is the first time we met, I felt like we had meet for long and am enjoying every moment spent with them. Many places and activities we had gone and done together. Glenelg, dinner, and even karaoke. We also had celebrated Nina's birthday during karaoke. And most importantly is Wani had graduated and she is going to be in the same class with me again like before :D
:: IvY :: 9:31 PM