Fuck you, I dunno (With smiling tone)
:: IvY :: 11:32 PM
Call again
She still did not answer
Try calling her Optus
Also did not answer.
Ah, I know, call Syed
Syed did not on his phone
I guess small girl already sleep
Muka Tebal, Call Syamila
:: IvY :: 11:25 PM
Fun Night Out
Later, headed to my house. Chat, giggles, everything fun are there. Suppose to see dragon fly past in the lava lamp but no one actually saw the dragon except Kruie.
Now, all are going to head back for class. Holidays are over for them. Well, hope there are still days like this.
:: IvY :: 9:29 PM
Its really autumn now. Raining days and nights. Strong winds. Its feel like the house might rip apart anytime and its freezing.
Yesterday, Friday, at approximately 1 am, we went for a walk at Elder Park. Reasons to it was its bored and could not sleep. Expected to be freezing but its alright actually. Then headed to Mcd and then yiros. However, end up staying at yiros for some reason. :)
Got home approximately 4 am.
For today, Saturday, its still raining and its almost like night the whole day. Freezing. Lazy.
:: IvY :: 5:54 PM
With such good rates along with Ile and Irene is using Digi, guess what? They can actually call me.
This morning as I am still sleeping, I heard my house phone rang. I picked up and guess who was on the line. It was my aunt. This is the first time she call me due to the expensive calling rates previously. As for that, I am so delighted :)
Hope there are more of this moment but at the moment is alright as I had get another simpack which enables me to call back cheaper then it use to be but not as good rates as Digi.
:: IvY :: 12:14 AM
So I apologies if I had got it wrong.
Its freaking damn bored. It seems like everyone is missing from the earth.
What happen when you are left alone with nothing to do and its midnight but still can't sleep?
What happen when you try to sleep early which will then wakes up early and still bored nothing to do the next day and no shops are open due to easter holiday?
:: IvY :: 12:39 AM
Surely there is reason why people did not buy. You ask a favor from people many times and its just once people can't fulfill it with a reason. So you should just shut your bloody coffin mouth and not complaining there. You want potato chips so much right. I tell you what. Whenever you eat potato chips you will gain 2kgs and see how fat can you really go.
Think before you open your stupid coffin mouth. Over a potato chips you ask people to buy a coffin which this means that you seriously have no brains. I guess that is the reason you looks like a damn potato and since you like coffin so much why don't you ask your friends or family to get you one on your birthday.
:: IvY :: 5:07 PM
Photos in Adelaide with my mum.Towards the sea view and yums to the ice cream
Towards the shops view
From the jetty
The beach
Seafood platter
-Vienna chocolate
-Cafe latte
More Chocolates:From the left
-Abstract orange
-Strawberries and cream
-Pure dark
-Abstract Heaven
-Pure white
-Toffee crunchToffee break
Fish shape chocolate
Easter time!!
:: IvY :: 1:20 PM
To the beach
Today is Good Friday so its a public holiday over here.
We headed to the beach, Glenelg as there are no shops open in the city. The beach was crowded with people as it is the only place not 'closed' for holiday. However, there are still some shops and restaurants are open. Its also a nice weather today to be in a beach. Mum had ice cream as its delicious and many people were eating, therefore its tempting. We shop around and had seafood platter for lunch. Mum had Cafe Latte while I had Vienna Chocolate. Approximately 4.30pm we headed back to our apartment.
Mum cook ABC soup for me with some peanuts in it. Its delicious.
Tomorrow, mum will be heading back to Malaysia and I will be alone in this apartment with only sounds from TV, laptop (music), and outside.
:: IvY :: 11:42 PM
Shoes, clothes, souvenirs, nuts, chocolate, and many others had been bought for my mum's friends and our family.
As for today, we had headed to Handoff which is 40-50 minutes away from the city. It is a small town but food, souvenirs, and many special things can be found there. Very special chocolate, fridge magnets, sweets, seashells for planting, and cashew mustard (spices) were bought. We had pies for lunch. The pies were big and ingredients inside were filling. Then, we wanted to go to the strawberry farm but the timing for the next bus was rather long. Hence, we headed back to the city.
Tomorrow, will be Rundle Mall again for more shopping.
PS. Picture will be post up soon
:: IvY :: 10:14 PM
Happy Easter
:: IvY :: 10:45 PM
Room was alright. Nice for one person. Studio apartment. Its quite cooling in here. Till now no fan and still cooling.
In the airport I already miss my family very very much even I had not depart. In the plane I do not know why I was feeling ok. Wanted to watch movie but either I had watch those movies or its just not nice. At the end, chosen Marley & Me. I did not want to watch that movies as I know it will be very sad. The same feeling as Beloved Lucy left us.
Was feeling alright in the morning but as night comes feeling was mix up. Mum is here but a week later she still will leaves for home. :(
I will be alone...... :'(
I think I better stop here.
:: IvY :: 10:35 PM
American Idol
The focus here is performance by Lady Gaga with her song Poker Face was awesome. It was the best I had seem after so many. Even the hair was little weird but the performance was WOW.
Beside that, the elimination was kind of saddening. Megan got sent back home. Her performance yesterday was really awful but it will not be as fun as before without her humour there.
Till then, enjoy the performance by Lady Gaga
:: IvY :: 10:27 PM
Mug is a brand of a Japanese Noodles. The cute thing about it is that the packet of ingredients to mix together with the noodles also consist of 2 different types of animals which in this case is edible. One of it is in the shape of fox and the other is pig.
:: IvY :: 9:41 PM